Ever pondered over what could bring upon you the wrath of the typographic titans? Here are the, “7 Deadly Sins of Typography” that could incur the displeasure of these gods…
Some typographic blunders are unpardonable and may even cost the designer his reputation for being careless enough to commit them. Bad leading, kerning, tracking and poor font choices are amongst these, to name a few.
Ever pondered over what could bring upon you the wrath of the typographic titans? Here are the, “7 Deadly Sins of Typography” that could incur the displeasure of these gods…
Some typographic blunders are unpardonable and may even cost the designer his reputation for being careless enough to commit them. Bad leading, kerning, tracking and poor font choices are amongst these, to name a few.
It is the mark of a true artist to create something unique and something that is original every time he is asked to deliver. Be it a piece of music, an article, a business card design, or a logo; if it’s not original, it won’t last. In the brisk world of business today, it has become synonymous with success to have a great attractive logo, which can help your brand to make its mark and get it identified in the minds of the people.
Hashtagging a wedding is awesome and we are completely in love with the idea of Instagramming a wedding (preps and ceremony). There are some downsides to being a social networking bride, but there are also various rewards to make you want to go down that road, such as, having your guest record every moment of the wedding and being able to see it all with only one click on either Facebook or Instagram, thanks to wedding planning apps that make life so convenient.