As I boarded a plane to Las Vegas last week, I realized how much we are influenced by these logos and monograms in our everyday lives. It hit me harder when I reached my destination and had to refuse to stay at a motel for its horrid looking advertising sign (as well as interior). I decided not to risk my sanity in there and rented a room elsewhere. For me, logos are a deal maker or breaker when it comes to leisure spending.
Branding is an integral part of any business; research shows that every successful business has its foundation laid on its unique brand. Brand is a major part of your marketing plan. The purpose is to make it easier for the customers to relate your brand to the particular product or service that you are to offer them. Similarly your company name, logo and brand are not just mere symbols but the picture that comes to the customers’ mind when they require the service or product you offer. It engages their attention and attraction.Creating a brand is not where you win, it takes more than that. Sermonize your brand logo; exhort it to your target market as much as it takes. Before doing so what you need to do is understand that a logo and brand is important even for a small store so as to satisfy your investments because it might reach to quite a number of zeros.
1. Your Business Logo
Well, definitely. In fact, it’s their initial basis for survival. Stores whether big or small needs to show their presence and for that, they would have to acquire a logo design. Moreover, a logo is an identity, recognition and a means of distinction from others. Let’s get into more detail of it but before that let’s see which businesses could be specifically called “small”.
BIG CHANGES ARE AFOOT IN THE WAY THE INTERNET WORKS and 'net neutrality' is a conundrum with so much misinformation, confusion and media lip service floating around that no one seems to really know what's going on. Two things are for sure: it is NOT going away, and it IS going to be a media feeding frenzy.
Upside-down pros and cons
This is going to be a long, miserable, and potentially damaging struggle; primarily because the two sides of the argument have gotten themselves upside-down. Those in favor of neutrality are crying: please don't regulate so the 'little guy' and everyone else can be free to do as they please. Yet those are the ones currently exploiting and profiteering off 'the little guy.'